Doctor's Buzz and Kelly Showalter first became connected to Expansion through Dr. Marietta Thompson. "She kept asking us to go on a mission trip so we finally decided to when our kids were old enough to come along," said Kelly. In 2009, the family visited the area of Kieni, a camp that housed people who had been displaced from their homes.
The Showalters were initially affected by the enormity of the need they saw and the realization that they could do very little to create lasting change through their own efforts. "It was only when we allowed the Lord to work through our interactions that change became evident. We realized our best 'human effort' was insignificant compared to the love the Lord was pouring into our relationships." Over the years, Buzz and Kelly have met individual Kenyans who have reflected the face of God in ways that imprinted on their hearts.
From their very first trip, they heard about the dream of one day establishing a medical clinic in Magumu. They knew the community’s need for medical care because of serving on several short-term clinics sponsored by Expansion. "The ministers who spent so much time with us in Kieni waited patiently for a long time for this dream to come to fruition. There was such a pull from the Lord to be involved. He knew we had such a love for the people there, and He said, clearly, 'I will provide.'"

Thanks to you, the clinic now stands as the promise of the Lord. Buzz and Kelly shared that being present for the grand opening was a great and emotional experience. They had seen much of the work and also some roadblocks that went into making the clinic a reality but mostly they saw the Lord's faithfulness.
"When it came to opening day, God's promise was fulfilled and so many saw His hand. It was also the day we scattered the ashes of our dear friend Lori around her tree at the clinic." Lori had a huge heart for the medical center and the people it would serve. She played a key role in helping to fundraise for the project. "That was a tough day, yet it was another chance for the Lord to show His presence. Lori lives on in that clinic."