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Walk with me, work with me, and watch!

A Kasten Pilot Program update!

In a province in eastern Kenya is the small town of Kasten. We initially became involved with the community because they had been experiencing an extreme drought. Back-to-back seasons of below-average rainfall since 2019 made growing or maintaining crops nearly impossible, cutting their food supply severely.

The need was clear, so we met with the community and began assessing how best to help. Upon examination, an even more pressing need surfaced! The people of Kasten lacked a proper understanding of successful agricultural practices, which led us to develop the Kasten Pilot program! A project aimed to equip communities to understand the importance of seed quality, knowing how and when to plant, the importance of fertilization, and managing pests.

With your help through the general fund, we were able to launch it just this last October. Over 18 families came together and prepared the land with the new tools they'd been given. Shortly after planting the seeds, a miracle occurred. Answered prayers fell from the sky in the form of rain. Since then, the community has seen growth like never before. Shoots now sprout up from the ground and stand as a symbol of hope!

This was Matthew 11:29 coming to life. "Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you."

And in the words of one of the farmers:

"We now know our part better, and God will do His. This we pray!'

Thanks to you, transformation has begun in Kasten. Those who participated in this pilot program will take what they've learned to other nearby farms and communities still struggling to produce crops in this drought-plagued area of eastern Kenya.



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