Join with us as we praise God for His presence at this year's Build Hope Dinner. Friendships were rekindled, new ones made, and our E.I. community grew. We want to thank all of you who donated both silent and live auction items. Many walked away with some amazing finds while helping to raise money for this year's projects in Kenya. Bill Downs and family helped us laugh and mix it up; taking our total for the evening to new heights with his skill as a fun and effective auctioneer. Thanks Bill and Vonda!
After hearing that the community leaders of Magumu had been praying 30 years for access to medical care in their region, our hearts were impacted. Over $115,000 was raised that evening with $87,000 specified for the construction of the Magumu Medical Clinic. We rejoice that the people of Magumu will see the clinic break ground in late June. Isn't God so very good? Thank you for being a part of this world changing community called E.I. As we were reminded by Danielle, YOU are Expansion International and we get to do this together. We're grateful for you.
