"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord...to give you a hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Expansion International (E.I.) is a Christian nonprofit based in Boise, Idaho. We partner with
individuals, churches, and organizations to bring about transformation to communities in Kenya by providing health, education, and economic programs through the love of Jesus Christ.
Ndumberi is one of seven communities in Kenya where E.I. currently works. Many of our founders, partners, and volunteers have served on short and long-term development projects in this community since 2003. We have long standing relationships with the people of Ndumberi and the dream for this children’s center was birthed in the hearts of community leaders long before E.I. began working there.


The current children's center in Ndumberi started as a feeding program to 75 children. It was supported by the local PEFA Ndumberi church as well as PEFA Mercy Ministries. Over the years children have been coming to the center to be served and the number has grown to 350. The current center has become too small to adequately meet the needs of the community. A new building will not only enable the current ministry to continue, it will expand upon that work and offer even more support to the community.
The goal of the new Ndumberi Children’s Community Center is to break cycles of poverty by providing opportunities to develop and thrive in a secure, stable, supportive, Christian environment.

At Expansion International we believe every young person has a God-given calling and a purpose to fulfill. But here in Ndumberi, young people don’t see a way out of their current situation which is robbing them of their confidence, their dreams, and their hope for their future.

The new Ndumberi Children’s Community Center specifically seeks to change these current situations and that is why this project is so important to us. We trust this center will provide young people with great opportunity and be a beacon of hope for years to come.


The goal of the new Ndumberi Children’s Community Center is to break the poverty cycles and to offer opportunities to develop and thrive in a secure, stable, and supportive Christian environment.

The new community center will house the current Children’s Development Center (CDC), which is currently too small to meet the needs of the entire community. But it will also supply additional resources such as classrooms, safe rooms for abuse victims, an event hall, kitchen, library, computer lab, and recreational area. In addition, our new center will provide office space for both the center’s staff as well as Expansion International Africa.


Samuel is a charismatic, confident, young man studying for his Bachelor’s degree in finance. He attributes much of where he is now to the current Children’s Development Center (CDC) in Ndumberi, Kenya.
Samuel began attending the CDC in 3rd grade. It was a highlight of his childhood. There, he discovered his talent and love for comedy, learned how to play music, and formed wonderful friendships. He was not only given a space to exercise and play sports, but also a place to be spiritually nurtured.
Samuel is a beautiful example of a life filled with hope. Because of the CDC, Samuel is pursuing his dreams and lives his life confidently for the Lord.
There are many more children in the community of Ndumberi that will one day walk in Samuel’s steps. At the new Children’s Community Center, they too will be able to build a better future.

For this project, we are building and raising funds in four different phases. We have purchased the land and installed both power and water on the property. Our plan is to be able to open the new Ndumberi Children's Community Center by August 2023.

Together we have an opportunity to build a better future for the entire community.

We are committed to this project for the next few years and trust God to bring in the funding necessary to make this new center a reality. But we need your help!
Join us in building a better future for the children of Ndumberi! Make a one-time donation to this amazing project, or an annual pledge of any size, below.