Throughout the months of September and October, Expansion International Africa (E.I.A.) hosted three different Sunday School Teacher’s Conferences in the regions of Nakuru East, Nyandarua, and Kiambi. Each conference lasted a few days and was a time of fellowship, training, and equipping which prepared attendees to lead young people in their communities. Over 220 Sunday school teachers were in attendance and the response of the gatherings has been very encouraging.
In partnership with Community Bible Studies International (CBS), teachers were provided with training materials that enable them to cultivate impactful and lasting conversations about Jesus and His Word.

Through your generosity, E.I.A. was able to provide each attendee with a new Bible for themselves as well as a children’s Bible for teaching. A team from the U.S. was able to participate in one of the conferences. Pastor Tim Bunn from Eagle Nazarene Church, Jeanette Johnson, and E.I.A.'s Grace Njeru taught about the importance of the Bible and what a gift it is to us.
We are thankful for your support and the lasting impact these teachers will have on the children they serve because of these conferences.