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Serving the Great Commission from Home

Arliss and Darrell Yeend have been faithful supporters of Expansion since 2011. We’ve had the pleasure of corresponding with Arliss and Darrell through monthly letters and phone calls; we send them the Expansion Prayer Calendar, and they send back loads of encouragement and prayer requests.

During a recent phone conversation, we asked Arliss why they love Expansion. She shared about her heart for Africa. “I felt called to serve Africa while listening to stories of visiting missionaries during Sunday school.” That call never left, so when Darrell’s nephew and niece told them about the fantastic things happening in Africa through Expansion, they stepped in without hesitation.

We then asked Arliss how she and Darrell met. “I was born in Oklahoma then moved to Pocatello where daddy worked for the railroad.” She grew up hunting, fishing, and running track in high school. In her junior year, she and a few girls from the team were invited to run for Northwest Nazarene College, where she eventually attended, met Darrell in the school cafe, and fell in love.

Darrell grew up on a family farm in Walla Walla and later attended NNC to study business. After he and Arliss were married, Darrell joined the Army. He and his new bride served in Panama. They later returned to Walla Walla to raise a family on the farm and serve at their local church.

As we listened to more of their story, we realized that their response to God’s call placed on their hearts at a young age laid a solid foundation for many missionary ministries through the years simply by serving as senders right from home. Expansion stands on the shoulders of these two missionary giants.

Darrell received his eternal reward this past October, and Arliss continues to serve the Lord by leading worship at the retirement center where she now resides. The family farm remains in operation, and Arliss still honors her calling to support mission work. We thank God for these two precious people who have lived so faithfully through the years.

To receive our monthly prayer calendar, CLICK HERE.

To become a monthly supporter, CLICK HERE.


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