In late August, 24 water committee leaders from five communities met at the Milele Resort in Nakuru for a leadership conference organized by Expansion International Africa. The objective of this conference was to help community leaders steward their water project resources with excellence.
Various presenters, including a Department of Water professional, a University of Nairobi professor, community pastors, and EIA leadership facilitated discussions about the role of water management committees, the care and use of natural resources, developing and maintaining project sustainability, and water sanitation practices. Attendees were also given practical advice about addressing challenges, developing leadership skills, and co-laboring with Christ for the benefit of others.
We are confident that this conference provided encouragement and the education needed to steward the various water projects you’ve provided over the years. By training today’s servant leaders, your gift of clean water will continue to flow for years to come.
"This training is one of a kind. When the time comes for EIA to leave, we will be able to prosper and do well with our [water] projects." - Pastor Stephen T, Marana
"The training has come at the right time to help us address real challenges we face. Thank you, EIA, for always thinking about us; it is evident that you have our wellbeing at heart." - John C, Gituamba B