Expansion International believes every young person has a God-given calling and a purpose to fulfill which is why we've been working diligently step by step and stone by stone to see the new Ndumberi Children's Community Center come to completion.
We held a wonderful groundbreaking celebration last November after waiting months for the final building permits to be issued. Since then, the foundation has been laid, and the walls are going up!
We've been raising funds for this project for more than two years, and you have stepped up in BIG ways. With your help, over 60% of the funding has been raised or pledged.
Although there are challenges, we have been encouraged. Kenya's economy and supply chains have been impacted by inflation brought on by the pandemic, causing the cost of building supplies to increase by $80,000 over our original projections. However, we are enheartened by the funds already raised and the construction crew is working hard to make up for any lost time. We trust in the Lord's faithfulness to complete the work that He began here in Ndumberi.
Thank you for your continued prayer, generosity, and love for the children of Ndumberi and their futures. Stone by stone, let's keep building!
