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Mobile Nurse Program

Updated: Aug 6, 2019

Kenya’s 2010 constitution declared health to be a universal right for its citizenry, yet access to universal healthcare among rural communities is limited and sometimes, non-existent. In places like Bahati, everything from an earache to giving birth is left unchecked by a medical professional. Combine this lack of access with an inability to pay for services and no transportation this leaves families at great risk for worsening conditions like infection, disease, and even death.

Our first mobile nurse visited the community of Bahati in August 2018 at our Expansion International Africa (E.I.A.) dispensary. There is no charge for this rural clinic where tests for malaria, pregnancy, and HIV are available and followed up on. Patients are also checked for blood glucose levels and can get medications and monthly refills.

The nearest community health center is only open during the week, and does not always have access to drugs or medications. Therefore, patients who are unable to be treated effectively at our dispensary are referred to the nearest hospital ten miles away. Their transportation is provided by the grant from E.I., USA.

Our mobile nurse program is being monitored for participation and the needs presented by our E.I.A. staff. Resources are available to send a nurse two times per month if the community has need. The people are “very happy to finally have a place to go for healthcare,” says E.I.A.’s Director, Edith Njenga.


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