In addition to new water tanks set up in the community of Subukia, our Expansion International Africa (EIA) team were also able to help families and young adults who have not been able to work due to the COVID-19 crisis in Kenya.
Our EIA director Edith Njenga says, “Thank you so much for the humanitarian support sent last month. We have been able to feed 75 households for two weeks. Most of these families have a child in our education program and they are so appreciative of the support from you. We also supported 80 young men and women in the community of Ndumberi/Githiga who have been affected by commuting restrictions. Those unable to get to work gathered to do community volunteer work in exchange for provisions of food staples provided by E.I.”
We continue to look to the needs of others during this time of uncertainty. We are blessed to see that God continues to make a way for His name to be known among the nations through the work of E.I. Thank you for helping us make this happen.