Since the beginning of the year, Edith and the Expansion International Africa (EIA) team have been well-positioned to respond to the challenges facing the communities we serve because of your support. They’ve visited many families and helped those struggling in very practical ways, and they even made a way for students in our education program to meet virtually – they were all so very encouraged by it.
Additionally, Edith worked with the leadership at the Mercy Medical Clinic and the Bahati travel nurse to ensure that both clinics had all they needed to provide excellent medical care, her team initiated our first sports outreach for young people, and she’s ensured that some of the most vulnerable families received home water tanks before the rainy season.
These heroes on the ground have taken every curveball and challenge that 2020 has thrown their way, and they have acted in creativity, wisdom, and excellence to ensure this work moves forward. We are thankful for them, and we are thankful for you. All of these things could not have happened if it weren't for your generosity and kindness.

Will you please pray for Edith as she advocates before the government to bring electricity into the community of Gituamba in hopes of powering the community and its future well? We really need a breakthrough! We are so very thankful for the staff and board of EIA who are deeply committed to implementing these life-affirming programs through leadership, relationship, and advocacy. Keep up the great work, friends!