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Build Hope Dinner - Thank You!

This year's dinner was a success. I've heard many stories of what went on leading up to the event and even throughout the evening. Many personal battles were fought and won. Friends stepped in for those that could not make it, we came together as a family, God was worshiped, generosity was displayed in incredible ways, and God was continually placed at the center. We were able to pray for one another and for complete strangers in our midst. I know the Spirit of God was at work in that place!

At this year's dinner we were raising money for not one but two projects, the Ndumberi Children's Community Center and clean water solutions for Bahati. We believe that God will bless, break, and multiply the funds that were given and we believe we will see Him do amazing things again this year. Thank you for stepping into the work of Expansion International; we are incredibly honored to work with you to bring about transformational healing and spiritual strength to the precious people of Ndumberi, Subukia, Bahati, Magumu, Mwingi, and Loitokitok.

You can read more about this year's projects on the Projects Tab of our website.


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