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Breathing Deep

The Mobile Clinic Helps Anne Get Her Life Back

For 21 years Anne Nyambura bore the burden of asthma with no treatment. She couldn’t work more than two days without having an attack. Cold and dust would irritate her lungs. Being a farmer, made it difficult for Anne to work or even wash clothes.

In 2018, Anne’s life took a turn for the better. She began seeing the mobile nurse in Bahati. This resource has greatly improved her life. She now has access to the medication she needs on an ongoing basis. Because of your generous support for our mobile healthcare program, Anne is able to work her farm, do her household chores, tend to her family, and enjoy life without fear of an asthma attack.

Anne praises God for the healthcare you made available to her. Your generosity has changed Anne’s life. Now, even more people are being seen each month due to the addition of a second nurse at Bahati's mobile clinic. Thank you for providing healthcare to Anne and her community.


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