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Allison Gee Serving in Ndumberi

When Allison Gee was seven years old, she went on her first trip to Kenya with her parents, David and Kristi, and her brother, Winston. That first trip in 2009 had a significant impact on her perspective of the world and the way she views God. Allison says she remembers the joy that the children had in Kenya and even though she was unable to speak their language, they communicated through laughter, playing, and being kids together.

During Alli’s trip, they held a Vacation Bible School for the kids at Ndumberi's Children’s Development Center. She remembers the way that all of the children were running and playing together and how much fun it was to be with kids her age from a different part of the world, but connecting on a level that all kids can understand.

Allison’s time in Kenya encouraged her to pursue a career in the medical field. She is currently studying Biology at Westmont University. Because she saw the impact that healthcare could have in rural communities, she is inspired to study hard then return to Kenya to serve in a whole new way.

When Allison heard about the plans for the new Ndumberi Children’s Community Center, she said her hope would be that children have a place where they know they belong, a place where they feel cared for and looked after. Ultimately, she hopes they will continue to find joy and discover their true identity in Christ.

We are thankful for people like Allison who have made such an impact on kids' lives in Kenya. We are also thankful for the kids in Kenya who made such an impact on Allison!



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