For the past 20 years, God has been using Medical Mission Outreach trips to transform the lives of ordinary people in Kenya. This July, Expansion International helped send a second team to visit the Kiatine and Loitoktok areas.
At both locations, the team was able to assist in treating primary curative medical issues and performing preventive health care services. In total, the team saw 1,012 patients and provided 264 individuals with reading glasses.
In addition to medical care, the team partnered with local pastors to share the gospel and minister to those in the surrounding areas. They visited and prayed with local nonprofit organizations. They visited six schools where they ministered to and engaged with over 2,360 students. Through all their ministry efforts, 35 souls were forever changed as they said yes to the Lord!
Please enjoy the slideshow below to get a further glimpse into their trip!
Expansion International's Education Director, Jeanette Johnson, shares one of her most moving moments on the trip with us.
"One of the highlights for our team, and definitely for me as Education Director, was meeting with three young men who graduated from high school in 2019. They are now taking on responsibilities and leadership roles, making a difference in their communities. One of the men is completing his teaching degree and teaching at the Massai school. Another is working and supporting his siblings, who are in high school. He joined us for our medical clinic as part of our triage team. The third is working full-time at a lodge in one of Kenya's game parks.
As they shared their journeys with our team, they expressed gratitude, hope for the future, and commitment to making a positive difference by giving back. God has blessed them, and now they are blessing others.
My heart is full at meeting them again and seeing first-hand how much scholarships mean to the young people in Kenya. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You all who sponsor students through Expansion are truly Namunyak - Blessed by God to be a blessing."
What a successful trip! Both those who served and those who were served felt the love of Jesus Christ on this trip where true transformation occurred. Our thanks go out to each team member and to every donor for their service and generosity which made this Medical Mission Outreach possible. You’ve truly made an impact. May God grant us all the willingness, commitment, and dedication to continue reaching out to the people in each community we work with.